Untitled (Périgord Construction of Vision), 2013 wax, graphite, oil and oil based ink on paper 19 x 19 inches (48.3 x 48.3 cm) DR13-03
Untitled (Périgord Construction of Vision), 2015 beeswax, crayon, oil and oil based ink on paper 17 x 13 inches (43.2 x 33 cm) DR15-04
Untitled (Périgord Construction of Vision), 2012 wax, crayon, graphite, oil and oil based ink on paper 26 x 26 inches (66 x 66 cm) DR12-20
Untitled (Périgord Construction of Vision), 2012 beeswax, crayon and oil on paper 21 x 21 inches (53.3 x 53.3 cm) DR12-15
Untitled (Périgord Construction of Vision), 2012 beeswax, crayon, graphite, oil, oil based ink and collage on paper 26 x 26 inches (66 x 66 cm)) DR12-18
Untitled (Périgord Construction of Vision), 2014 beeswax, crayon, oil and oil based ink on paper 17 x 12 1/8 inches (43.2 x 30.8 cm) DR14-05
Untitled (Périgord Construction of Vision), 2013 – 2018 beeswax, wax, crayon, colored pencil and oil on paper 23 x 23 inches (58.4 x 58.4 cm) DR13-05