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This is a revised edition of his first monograph published in 2018 with new work including "Shadow On The Land" featured at the Sydney Biennial 2020, and from the Peter Blum Gallery exhibition "Carry A Song / Disrupt An Anthem."
Co-produced with Peter Blum Edition, New York. Introduction by Merritt Johnson. Text by Negarra A. Kudumu.
144 pages, hardbound. Booksize: 8 x 10 inches (20.32 x 25.4 cm)
This publication spans the multiple generations and forms of media that inform Nicholas Galanin’s “vessels of knowledge, culture and technology—inherently political, generous, unflinching, and poetic.” He creates and speaks through multiple visual, audible, and tactile languages, a practice succinctly articulated through the introduction by artist Merritt Johnson, and further explored in conversation and critical analysis through an artist interview with scholar Negarra A. Kudumu.
“Like the ocean, the expanse of Galanin’s work is vast, and in the midst of it, far from a shoreline, limited ability to perceive the movement of multiple currents could convince viewers they are in quite a different location than they are. That he is able to create points of access to his work so broadly is what allows for this possibility, and part of what attracts people to his work from so many directions.”
—Merritt Johnson, from the Introduction